Realizátorem projektu je Unie zaměstnavatelských svazů ČR – centrum rozvojových aktivit a partnerem projektu je Krajská rada Odborového svazu pracovníků školství Jihomoravského kraje.
Tento projekt je reakcí na stále rostoucí počet případů násilí proti zaměstnancům škol v Jihomoravském kraji ze strany žáků/studentů nebo jejich rodinných příslušníků (tzv. třetí strany). Oběti útoku často končí v pracovní neschopnosti, čelí dlouhodobým psychickým problémům nebo dokonce opouští tuto práci a jdou dělat něco jiného.
To přináší ztrátu i pro jejich zaměstnavatele, neboť zaměstnanec, který je pod psychickým tlakem, často nevykonává svoji práci v potřebné kvalitě nebo, v případě pracovní neschopnosti, musí být za něj urychleně hledána náhrada.
Na to reaguje tento projekt, jehož cílem je připravit zaměstnance škol na prevenci vzniku konfliktů s třetí stranou, a pokud k nim dojde, umět je co nejlépe řešit. Dílčím cílem je i vytvoření institucionální podpory pro udržení výstupů projektu na základě lepšího sociálního dialogu, důstojné práce a zlepšení bezpečí na pracovištích. Absolventi kurzu obdrží certifikát, který bude prospěšný pro jejich další profesní růst.
K dosažení těchto cílů přispějí zkušenosti realizátora získané v předchozích projektech, které se zabývaly obdobnou problematikou v oblasti zdravotnictví a sociálních služeb. Obsah a metodika výuky budou aktualizovány i na základě dobré praxe norských kolegů.
Projekt bude realizován ve spolupráci zaměstnavatelů a odborů s cílem zlepšit sociální dialog prostřednictvím lepší komunikace, vzájemného porozumění a uplatnění principu win-win.
Klíčové aktivity projektu:
KA 01. Projektové řízení
KA 02. Šetření výskytu násilí proti zaměstnancům škol v Jihomoravském kraji
KA 03 Nalezení dobré praxe v Norsku
Toto bude řešeno prostřednictvím výměny zkušeností mezi odborníky z Norska a ČR během dvou studijních cest do Osla, kde budou prezentovány příklady dobré praxe z řešení případů násilí od třetí strany.
KA 04. Aktualizace výcvikového kurzu a jeho národní akreditace
Kurz bude aktualizován vybranými lektory v souladu se získanou dobrou praxí z Norska a osvědčenými postupy. Poté bude požádáno o akreditaci kurzu na MŠMT.
KA 05. Proškolení zaměstnanců
Školení zaměstnanců bude realizováno v 5denním kurzu, který bude součástí systému dalšího profesního vzdělávání. Jednotlivé běhy kurzu budou buď „realizované na míru“ pro jednotlivé organizace (minimální účast 20 osob z jedné organizace) nebo „otevřené“ pro menší organizace. Z rozpočtu projektu bude zakoupená potřebná technika – notebook, datový projektor a tiskárna.
Obsah kurzu: Současný stav výskytu násilí od 3. strany na školách; příčiny, formy a druhy násilí na zaměstnancích škol vč. kyberšikany a kyberbullyingu; psychologické aspekty násilí; právní minimum pro zaměstnance; základy osobní sebeobrany; preventivní opatření na pracovištích.
KA 06. Závěrečná konference
Dvoudenní konference za účasti cílové skupiny, představitelů dotčených institucí (MŠMT, Odborového svazu pracovníků školství, ČMKOS, KZPS, UZS), českých a norských odborníků a odborné veřejnosti.
Celkový rozpočet projektu 208.358 EUR, z toho 186.326 EUR je grant z Norských fondů a 22.032 EUR tvoří kofinancování od realizátora a partnera projektu.
Project Title: Prevention of 3rd party violence in schools – Decent Work – Czech Republic
Project Promoter: Centre for Development Activities of Union of Employers´ Associations (CRA UZS)
Partner (s): County Council of the Trade Union of Workers in Education in South Moravian Region (KROS)
Project region: Czech Republic, South Moravian Region
Project Contract acceptance date: 15. 3. 2013
Total project duration: 18 months – from 1. 7. 2013 to 31. 12. 2014
Total project budget: EUR 208.358,-
Fund for Decent work and Tripartite dialogue grant: EUR 186.326,- (89 %)
Co-financing: EUR 22.032,- (11 %)
Advance paid: EUR 80.000,-
Total amount disbursed from IN to date – advance included: EUR 167.483,-
Project description
This project is proposed as a reaction to the growing frequency of cases of violence against the teachers and other school staff that is committed by students or their family members.
The main goal of the project is to prepare the school employees to prevent conflicts, manage emergency situations at the workplace if the need arises and to create institutional support for maintaining the output of the project based on better social dialogue, decent work and safer working place improving.
The secondary objective is strengthening of cooperation between CRA UZS (as employer) and KROS (as trade union).
KA 01. Project management
Project officially began on 1.7.2013 by establishing the project team in which they are four representatives of CRA UZS and four representatives of KROS. Main manager CRA UZS is Mrs. Radka Soukupova, financial manager is Mr. Pavel Kajml, assistant I of the main manager UZS is Mrs. Vera Velkova, assistant II of the main manager UZS is Mrs. Ivana Hlavesova. For the KROS side Mrs. Milada Pelajova is KROS project manager, Mr. Petr Holanek is assistant of KROS project manager, Mrs. Ruzena Salomonova and Mr. Leopold Kralik are regional KROS managers.
Since the last monitoring period (1.7.2014 – 31.12.2014), there have been two changes done in the project team. Mr. Karel Vostry has become the main manager from the beginning of this period and since 1.11.2014, he has also become the financial manager of the project. We informed IN about these changes via email. Work done by all employees was reported through timesheets monthly.
KA 02. Survey on the incidence violence in schools in South Moravian Region
In this activity the experience of a previous project were taken into account. In this project the survey of violence on workers from health and social services was also implemented. The questionnaire and methodology of survey were modified by project team members for the educational area.
The survey was based on questionnaires which were distributed partially electronically, partially via trade union units in respective schools.
Access codes for filling in the online version of the questionnaire were distributed to individual coordinators assigned target organizations. Coordinators for each target organization had to familiarize respondents in target organizations with the purpose of inquiry and motivate the respondents to complete the questionnaire. The collection of online questionnaires was originally planned in period 3. – 17.1. 2014, but finally the term of data collection was extended to 31.1. 2014.
Totally there were filled 2086 questionnaires. Paper questionnaires were completed at an earlier date than the online questionnaires, as they were distributed on trade union conferences which were held in each district towns. Outputs from a diagnostic survey in selected organizations were processed by descriptive statistical methods.
The questionnaire was filled mostly respondents aged 50-60 years (about 36%). Most respondents were from the district of Brno (about 31%). Most respondents were represented with a university degree (approximately 76%). The questionnaire survey was attended by three times more women than men (approximately 74%). Most respondents work in elementary school (almost 44%). The largest number of professions was represented by teachers - more than 68%. Most people involved had a professional experience of 21- 30 years (approximately 30%). The founders of the workplace of respondents (schools) are most public entities: region (41%) or city/ town (39%). Approximately 3.4% of respondents have a greater concern about the existence of violence in the workplace.
Of the total number, the largest percentage of respondents met with verbal attacks (18.3%). The following data: bullying/mobbing 5.6%, cyberbullying (1.9%) and the lowest recorded cases of physical violence - 0.8%. About 1% of respondents was physically attacked, verbal abuse was mentioned by the most respondents working in primary schools (22% of respondents working in primary schools) and later in school educational establishments (about 19% of the total number of respondents working in these type of school). Number of verbally attacked persons working at the elementary school is approximately 9.5% of all respondents. Also the "bullying / mobbing" are the most experienced form of violence in primary schools (7% of respondents working in primary schools). Cyberbullying occurs mainly in secondary and primary schools. Teachers are also verbally abused (about 14% of all interested respondents).
The report was submitted during February 2014, it was commented by project team and final version was approved on 7. 2. 2014.
The outcomes of the survey were widely introduced by a representative of Navreme Boheme at the final project conference, which took place at Vémyslice, South Moravia, on 13. and 14 November 2014.
KA 03. Study trips
Two Study Tours were realized during the Project. The first Study Tour took place on 23. – 26. 2. 2014, the venue was the UNIO office in Oslo. Detailed program of the tour was attached to the previous Interim Nr.2. An intention of study tour was to foster relationships, learn the social dialogue experience and share Norwegian good practices. The group of Czech participants was consist from teachers of primary and secondary schools (target group), lecturers of the project and project team members.
The Czech participants met with representatives of UNIO, Health and Safety responsible educational sector in Oslo, KS and Fagforbundet. The site visit was organized in Bjøråsen skole in Oslo.
The second Study Tour took place in this Monitoring period (1.7.2014 – 31. 12. 2014), specifically from 27.10. to 30.10.2014. There were 13 people going to the Study Tour; detailed information including the list of participants, schedule of the tour and report from the tour are attached to this report (Annex No. 7). The Study Tour proved to be a great source of inspiration; we gained much experience and many examples of good practice in field of conflict solution, bullying and prevention of violence at Norwegian schools.
KA 04. Updating of the training course
External experts in cooperation with project team members prepared a curriculum of the training course “Prevention of the third party violence in schools”. The course takes five days and included the following topics:
• types of violence against school staff
• dealing with cases of school violence and its prevention
• legislation and social dialogue in the prevention of violence
• prevention of cyberbullying
• health and safety in the workplaces.
During October 2013 the request for accreditation of the course by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports was completed and submitted to the Ministry on 16.10.2013. The accreditation was signed by the Ministry on 17.1.2014, the accredited body is project partner - County Council of the Trade Union of Workers in Education in South Moravian Region (KROS).
KA 05. Staff training
The courses are organized in South Moravia towns: Brno, Znojmo, Breclav, Vyskov, Hodonin, Blansko. The selection of participants for each seminar was organized by team members from different types of schools (nursery, primary and secondary ones).
Study books for the participants of courses were written and printed. It is also possible to share them electronically.
During last monitoring period 4 courses took place in respective towns.
The average number of participants is about 30 participants on each seminar. The satisfaction either with content or with organization is very high. The topic (third party violence prevention) is so attractive, that the additional courses will be organized by public founders of educational facilities after finishing our ones.
Education was realized at 11 places, which was attended by 308 people (from that 48 men).
KA 06. Final conference
The final conference of the project took place at Hotel Rysavy in Vemyslice on 13. and 14.11.2014. 55 people from the target group took part at the conference; they were representatives of workers in education and employers – directors of schools, representatives of JMK trade union and UZS Czech republic.
The first day of the conference we focused on the global evaluation of the project, which was introduced by Mrs. Milada Pelajova, representative of JMK trade union. She summarized the participation of target group at seminars, participation of lecturers, accreditation of individual seminras and outcomes from Study tours in Norway. Mr. Karel Vostry gave us overview about total project costs and project economy.
Individual outcomes of study tours were introduced by Mrs. Paralova, who showed the conference participants how did the study tours look like. Both study tours proved to be a great source of inspiration to all participants; we shared much experience and many examples of good practice from our education system focused on prevention of violence, conflict solution, bullying and cyberbullying, to which Norwegian bodies respond for example by taking PC technology from the whole family.
Outcomes of a survey related to violence at schools conducted within the project were presented by Mr. Jakub Stogr by NAVREME BOHEME, the company that realized the survey. Total number of 2086 people took part in the survey; 74 % of them were women and 76 % of them had college education. Participants of the conference received the survey electronically via their email addresses.
Lecturer of the project, Mrs. Renata Sevcikova, provided the conference audience with information about experience with third party violence prevention in scope of Czech School Inspectorate.
The first day of the conference was concluded by Mr. David Sourek, director of CRA-UZS. He introduced the issue of decent work in connection with violence prevention at workplace.
The second day of the conference was focused on specific legal assistance in field of violence prevention at workplace and solution of individual cases presented by conference participants.
In the end of the conference, the final statement of conference participants was adopted.
Ve dnech 13.-14.11.2014 se ve Vémyslicích konala závěrečná konference projektu. Na závěr b...
Dne 22.10.2013 se na půdě Unie zaměstnavatelských svazů uskutečnil workshop norského řídi...